hee hee.
just the fact that i happened to see that it was on yesterday is a freak accident. i don't follow sports. i know when baseball season is, and football, and basketball kind of, because i live in the world. but wide world of sports stuff like race cars? not usually on my radar. the other day, i saw this thing on some tabloid news show about danica patrick and i was like, hmm, stuff magazine spread about some hot-ish race car driver. i wonder if she's any good or if she's like racing's version of anna kournikova and it's all savvy posturing to gain attention while she can. you know, emphasize the "hot" and maybe nobody would notice she ain't that good.
but then i was babysitting and i turned on the tv and she was in, i think, 6th place. i was like, wow, maybe she's good. anyway, she's the only one i cared about because i'd never even heard of anybody else except dario franchitti (only because he's married to ashley judd), and A.J Foyt the fourth. damn, they are milking that name. and the poor kid, he doesnt seem like that great a racer. from the 5 seconds i saw, where he sent that dude flying into that wall.
so then danica did that thing where she stalled her car in the pit and everyone said it was a rookie mistake and she was all of a sudden in like 16th place. and i thought, "damn. too bad for that kid. well, it was fun while it lasted." then like a hundred laps later, you know, and i'd left the room to give my small friend some lunch and stuff, kinda peeking in every now and then to see how she was doing, she'd crept up to like 8th place, and i thought that was a pretty good recovery.
then i swear to god, i left the room for like a minute and when i checked again, she was leading the whole f*ckin race! oh my g! i got so excited! like i'd bet on her. like i'd even knew who she was before the other day. my tiny friend, he's two, was eating in the next room (man, two year olds can eat and eat) and i kept running back and forth between him and the tv going, "there's no way! there's no way!!!" because what are the odds of seeing a news story on the one person, a rookie, a chick rookie, who ends up winning the whole shebang?
okay, so she didn't win. but she kicked ass in first place up till like two laps from the end. and then the press, the relentless press, everyone was freaking out, like "the first woman to ever lead a lap in the indy 500! This is a historical day for racing and danica is now immortal, blah blah blah! women women women!!!!" and meanwhile, dudes all over the place are crying, like the winning team dudes, and they finally interview danica, like, as she's getting out of her car and taking her helmet off, and throw all this "women/history!" stuff at her, and she totally kept it together, did not weep or even shake at all as she spoke, and never once talked about herself as a woman racer, and dodged all the stuff about women racing. she was just like, "i'm a racer, just like everybody else out there today. and i came in 4th, which is pretty good for a rookie."
danica patrick is my new idol.
even if she is 10 years younger than me.
i guess she's way better than britney, even if they are both into nascar.